

The tree species that we have alphabetically listed here are some of the most commonly planted or naturally ocurring tree species for our area.  We have given a brief "arborist's perspective for each.  This is only an opinion.  Click on a tree to see a few photos.  It may help you to identify what you have and give you some idea of what you can expect.






Bradford pear  This is a non-native plant.  This tree has many characteristics that are desirable.  Most of its bad reputation stems from the growing and training of the young tree.  If the tree is trained correctly, the desirable characteristics may be enjoyed for a lifetime.  Wind damage is the most common cause of destruction of this tree.  The second leading cause for removal is its size.  Removal can be avoided if the structure is corrected (sometimes taking years for mature trees) and installation in a suitable location with enough space with some shelter from the wind.


Cherry  Many varieties of this tree are used in landscapes.  The native cherry grows large with problems with eastern tent caterpillars on occasional years.  The landscape varieties generally grow quickly and usually do not produce fruit.


Dogwood  When planted in a yard, native dogwood species do not do very well.  If the tree is in a bed or an area that has no turf in the vicinity, they seem to do much better.  The species has many problems when it is subjected to non-native conditions.  Borers, leaf diseases and cambium diseases all infect dogwoods.  While all are serious problems, the cambium diseases will eventually cause mortality of the tree.  Many other cultivars of dogwood are available that do not have these particular problems.






Hemlock  Until recently, this was an excellent choice to provide screen.  There has been an issue with an insect pest as of late.  One should be mindful that this is a large tree and can reach heights of 130 feet.  When planted in screens, a certain amount of long term care must be planned.


Hickory  Very strong fibered tree. Two things about the tree are litter of nuts and leaves and a high sensitivity to environment change. Hickories have spectacular fall color. Not available for purchase from a nursery.


Holly  Many cultivars of this native plant are available.  Selection should be made carefully.  The native variety should be used when possible.  Can grow to a large size.


Japanese maple


Leyland Cypress  This is a non-native plant.  This tree has uses as a screen tree.  The principle problem seen with them is overplanting.  Screens are usually intended to block one or  two stories of a residence or building.  If these trees are planted without 360 degree sunlight, they tend to grow very tall.  In the process of growing upward, the interiors become shaded and the resulting dieback can actually reduce the amount of screen that the trees are able to provide.


Norway maple

Poplar  This is probably the most common enormous tree that is encountered in this area.  These trees usually grow in pure stands.  It is not uncommon for this species grows to heights of 130 feet and trunk diameters exceeding 3 feet.

Red maple  It is the most commonly planted tree.  Adjusts to many environmental conditions.  There are very many cultivars of this tree available for purchase.  These trees provide spectacular fall color. 


Red oak  There are many species of this tree that are categorized this way.  It is difficult to tell the difference between them.  It is a slow growing species that is common in our forest.  Some species are available for purchase from a nursery.  The tree is durable for our local conditions.  




Silver maple  This is a commonly planted fast growing tree that provides an optimum amount of light transmittance for lawns.  The major drawback of this tree is the likelihood that major surface roots develop.  Another issue that frequently occurs is the development of multiple stems.  Because the wood is relatively weak, there  can be issues with breakage due to wind.






White oak  This is a big tree favorite.  It is a slow growing species that is common in our forest.  To our knowledge, it is not available for purchase from a nursery.  The tree is stately and very durable for our local conditions.  


White pine (Pinus strobus).  This is commonly planted for screening. White pines are very inexpensive and have a rapid growth rate. The tree requires full sun to be healthy. When the tree is shaded, its folliage is thin. Further shading usually results in branch death. Another problem with white pines is that the branches tend to break in icing or heavy snows. Pines do not put on new branches where branches have been removed.


Zelkova  Zelkovas are becoming a very popular replacement for elms.  There are fewer problems with borers and beetles.  The growth habit is similar to elms.  Very wind durable.